Chapter 5 Page 10
Posted February 15, 2019 at 12:00 am

February 14th is Alice and the Nightmare's anniversary! This comic is 4 years old!! How times flies. Seriously tho, thank you so much for reading. Making this comic is one of my favorite things to do, I'm so happy I'm on this journey and even happier you're all along for the ride. Here's to more years of Wonderland hijinks!! Thanks so much!!

Also, there's a patron poll going on over on Patreon for what costumes Alice and Edith should wear for next month's mail club postcard! Alice's options are Spider Gwen, Ryuko Matoi (the sailor outfit), and Rose Quartz! Edith's choices are Jade Harley, the TARDIS, and D. Va! Become a patron to cast your vote before February 20th!!!

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